
Mint is a perennial with very fragrant, toothed leaves and tiny purple, pink, or white flowers. It has a fruity, aromatic taste. There are a number of varieties of mint—all fragrant, whether shiny or fuzzy, smooth or crinkled, bright green or variegated. However, you can always tell a member of the mint family by its square stem, this include sweet mint, spearmint, peppermint, and chocolate mint which are fast-growing, spreading plants, so you must give them a place to spread without getting in the way, or plant them in a pot.

Mint sends out runners that spread above and just below the ground, quickly forming large, lush green patches. In the right place it makes a pretty seasonal ground cover. You can also contain mint in tight places such as between pavers of a walkway where your feet will brush against the leaves to release its fragrance.

Benefits and its Uses:

  • Mint is used as flavor cubes by freezing a few trays of strong mint tea, then using the ice cubes for cooling summer drinks.
  • Mint is a breath freshener, Just chew on a few mint leaves. However, don’t use chew mint-family herbs if you’re breastfeeding, as this may reduce milk supply
  • Fresh mint leaves are a nice complement to lamb, fish, poultry, and vegetables such as peas, new potatoes, and carrots. Mint also blends well with green or fruit salads and beverages such as punch, lemonade, and tea.
  • Mint is also known for easing queasy stomachs, calming anxiety, and promoting restful sleep.
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